RocketReader Contact Form

You can contact us quickly through this online form, or alternatively FAX us on:

USA - Toll Free Fax : (877) 731 4410

Important : please specify your correct email and your fax number, we require at least one of these to return your query.

Please Note : this web site contains the most comprehensive and latest information on the RocketReader Speed Reading program, we do not send out brochures by mail. 

Your email address will be treated CONFIDENTIALLY - it will not be added to any lists.

Your name:
Your email: 
phone #:   include area code
fax #: 
Suburb / Town:
Zip / Postcode:
Type of query:  specific information request (please check this web site first)
specific pricing request (please see our prices first)
technical Support (fully describe problem below)
download problem
problem with unlock code
RocketReader problem report
dealer enquiry
press enquiry
other (please specify your question in the query section below)
Have you purchased RocketReader? (check if yes)
Enter unlock/registration code supplied with purchase If you have purchased RocketReader please enter your unlock code here. Your unlock code is required in order to receive technical support.

(Unlock Code)

Date of purchase
(if unsure please enter approximate date)
Where did you purchase RocketReader from?
I have examined the demonstration version of RocketReader (check if yes)
Your query: For technical questions please describe exactly the lead up to the problem, as well as the problem itself. Please describe the specifications of your computer as well as the type and version of operating system that you are running.

For other questions, please be specific: we cannot respond to very general questions like "please supply information".

Important: Please allow up to two days for a response to this query. Most queries are answered the next day.

Reading Tips: ‘…And most of all, you can manage you free time better so you can actually create more quality time for you and your family after hours.…’  read article