In this issue of our Critical Thinking in Reading newsletter series we continue discussing most common fallacies traps and ways of identifying them. In the previous issue, we discussed the fallacies of:
Today we look at fallacies commonly found in written sources, and ways of detecting them and dealing with them.
The most common - and probably easiest to spot - of misdirected
appeals is an appeal to questionable authority. For example, we often
see celebrities endorse all kinds of products. However, there is a fine
line between using a famous person to attract attention to a product, and
creating the impression that the celebrity is indeed an expert in the
field. Often, advertisers overstep that line, which results in misdirected
appeals to authority.
Such appeals are misdirected because celebrities can be knowledgeable in their own area of expertise, e.g. sports or music. However, the opinion of a rock star on which guitar brand is the best should carry much more weight than their political views or their opinion of the aftershave they use.
Some other commonly found misdirected appeals are:
"nobody observes the speed limit anyway", and
"this industry has traditionally employed mostly male workers, so we are just continuing with the tradition".
"If the proposed Montana tax cuts are passed, this will inevitably result in reduced funding for our health and education system, and, ultimately, in reduced quality of life for everyone".
Decreased funding for health and education system does not
automatically follow from reducing income tax - there has to be some
additional evidence to suggest that. There maybe a large budget
surplus that allows for both the cuts and even an increase in funding in
these areas. Also, the statement disregards that putting more money in
people's pockets can have a stimulating effect on the economy - which
might possibly lead to more company tax being paid, and ultimately
better funding for health and education and better quality of life for
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Misdirected appeals are often found in newspaper and magazine articles, advertisement and political flyers.
How to deal with it: If you suspect a misdirected appeal to authority, ask yourself whether the authority is an expert on the matter in question. Is the authority likely to be biased? Also, you may be able to make the decision on the matter without having to appeal to expert opinion. If you think this is the case, you may choose this course of action.
When suspecting a slippery slope or wishful thinking, try to focus on evaluating the likelihood of a certain chain of events happening as a result of a course of action, rather then on how negative (or positive) these events are.
"My friend recommended this book, so I am going to read it, as we normally like the same books."
"If hot dog stands are banned by the Department of Health in New York, eventually they will have to ban all food stalls - and then we'll have nowhere cheap to eat!"
The first and third statements are examples of misdirected appeals.
The first statement is an example of a misdirected appeal to authority. Your friend's high IQ does not make her an authority on cosmetics. The third statement is an example of a slippery slope. It is pure speculation that the banning of hot dog stands would lead to a city-wide cheap food crisis.
The second statement contains a sound argument. Since your friend's tastes in books are similar to yours, you can reasonably expect to like this particular book.