French verb for "to go to bed, to lie down" is singular: me <choice> plural: nous <choice> {couche, mentons,occupe,oublie,admire} {couchons,demandons,habillions,admirons} The French verb for "to cut" is singular: <choice> plural: <choice> {coupe,desire,decendes,admire} {coupons,desirons,decendons,admirons} |
The detailed
instructions for creating these files are contained in the RocketReader
help system. You simply save the file with an extension of ".qmc" and
RocketReader will automatically load up and prepare a memory test at the
right time. If there are any errors in the specification of a memory test,
RocketReader will tell you exactly in the text file that the error was
found. You can then correct the error in your editor and re-save the file.
When you
run RocketReader and select the "Memory" option, and choose this saved
file, the Memory test window appears. This is the first memory question
from the French verbs file.
You can type
in the correct answer directly into the box, or you can examine the multiple
choice options by clicking on the down arrow in the box. This gives you
the multiple choice options:
Once you
have selected each option in the paragraph, RocketReader then shows you
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back to any previously attempted questions and change your answer. The
following diagram shows the next question.
Once you
have answered each of the questions RocketReader will indicate how many
you answered correctly:
You can then
scroll back and review the questions that you answered incorrectly. The
corrected answer is marked in green.