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".stripslashes($record[1]); print ""; } mysql_free_result($recordset); } return ; } function GiveValue($wherecondition,$fields,$tablename,$debug) { $retval=""; $strSQL="select $fields from $tablename where $wherecondition"; print ($debug == "1") ? $strSQL: ""; // exit(); if (is_array($row = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($strSQL)))) return $row[0]; else return 0; } function insertValue($fields,$values,$tablename,$debug) { $sql="insert into $tablename"; if(!empty($fields)) $sql.=" (".$fields.")"; $sql.=" values(".$values.")"; ($debug == 1)? print $sql: print ""; mysql_query($sql) or die("

Unable to save values to table $tablename ".mysql_error()."

"); } function insertValuefun($fields,$values,$tablename,$debug) { $sql="insert into $tablename"; if(!empty($fields)) $sql.="(".$fields.")"; $sql.=" values(".$values.")"; ($debug == 1)? print $sql: print ""; mysql_query($sql) or die("

Unable to save values to table $tablename ".mysql_error()."

"); $back= mysql_insert_id(); return $back; } function Select_Fun($sqlsel,$debug) { $strSQL=$sqlsel; $resultSet=mysql_query($strSQL); $i=0; $arrData = array(); While($rows=mysql_fetch_row($resultSet)) { $arrData[$i]=$rows; $i=$i+1; } print ($debug == "1") ? $strSQL: ""; return $arrData; } function updateValue_fun($sql) { // echo $sql."
"; mysql_query ($sql) or die("Unable to update the values:".mysql_error()." SQL: ".$sql); } function deleteValue_fun($sql) { //echo $sql; mysql_query ($sql) or die("Unable to delete the values:".mysql_error()." SQL: ".$sql); } function SendEmail_fun($strEmailFrom,$strEmailTo,$strEmailBody,$subject,$strName) //Include in orderdetail.php { $email_from_name= $strName; $email_from_mail=$strEmailFrom; $email_to=$strEmailTo; $email_subject=$subject; $emailbody =$strEmailBody; $header="From:$email_from_name\n"; $header .= "Reply-To: $email_from_mail\n"; if (isset($email_to_bcc)) $header .= "Bcc: $email_to_bcc\n"; $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $header .= "X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion(). "\n"; $header .= "X-Sender-IP: " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\n"; $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; $mail_command = "echo \"$emailbody\" | /bin/mail -s \"$email_subject\" $email_to"; $output = shell_exec($mail_command); //print $mail_command; //print "out - $output"; //mail($email_to,$email_subject,$emailbody,$header); } function ReturnArrayValue_fun($wherecondition,$fields,$tablename,$debug) { $fieldArray=split(",",$fields); $strSQL="select ".$fields." from ".$tablename." where ".$wherecondition.""; //If ($debug =1) // echo $strSQL; $result=mysql_query($strSQL); $rows=mysql_fetch_row($result); return $rows; } function selectDropDown_fun($str1,$str2) { If(strcmp(trim($str1),trim($str2))==0) return "selected"; Else return ""; } function PutHyphen($str) { $str=preg_replace("/\t| /","-",$str); return $str; } function RemHyphen($str) { $str=str_replace("-"," ",$str); return $str; } function ReplaceChar($str) { $str=str_replace("'","",$str); $str=str_replace("/","",$str); $str=str_replace("\\","",$str); return $str; } function enter($str) { $str=str_replace("\n","
",$str); return $str; } function RepBr($str) { $str=str_replace("
","\n",$str); return $str; } function PutBr($str) { $str=str_replace("\n","
",$str); return $str; } Function check($string1,$string2) { If (trim($string1)==trim($string2)) $check="checked"; Else $check=""; return $check; } function convert2proper($strVal) { $splitVal=split("-",$strVal); for($i=0;$i".convert2proper($catName)." ($activeCount)"; } else { $showCatPages=$showCatPages."
  • ".convert2proper($catName)." ($activeCount)
  • "; } } $lines=str_replace("#showCatPages#",$showCatPages,$lines); $strSQL="select UrlRequested,Title,Description from LinkDetails where Status='A' and Category=$updtCatId order by LinkId desc"; $getRows=Select_Fun("$strSQL",0); For($rowCount=0;$rowCount$title

    "; } $lines=str_replace("#showLinks#",$showTxt,$lines); $lines=implode('',$lines); $fl=fopen($delPath,"w"); fwrite($fl,$lines); fclose($fl); } } ?>