Frequently Asked Questions

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Q. What is the concept behind RocketReader?

A. RocketReader is not about gimmicks such as "read 10,000 words per minute!" RocketReader is about setting realistic, achievable goals to improve your reading skills, and working 15 to 30 minutes a day to achieve them.

Most people read at around 230 words a minute. There is an enormous scope to realistically increase reading speed to around 500-800 words per minute, while also improving comprehension and retention of material. This is the edge you need to advance in your career and studies. RocketReader can help you do that in just two months. more information>>

Q. What is applicable age range for the RocketReader products?
A. See the product page for a age-range guide here

Q. Are RocketReader training techniques based on research?

A. RocketReader training techniques are based on extensive research carried out in reading proficiency over numerous years. RocketReader techniques are based on the research of prominent and well-respected experts such as Keith Rayner (eye tracking and movement), Ethel Matin (rapid serial presentation of text), and Timothy Bell (comprehension and speed advancement using graded readings). Speed reading advocates such as Evelyn Wood, Tony Buzan, Robert Zorn, Steve Moidel, and Laurie Rozakis all agree that lifelong bad reading habits CAN be eliminated through a completely self-directed programme by using techniques that eliminate poor reading habits.

RocketReader complies with many of the recommendations made in the report of the USA National Panel for Reading, especially in the instructional areas of comprehension, vocabulary and independent silent reading. See the no child left behind page for more information and a comprehensive white paper discussing the scientific foundations of RocketReader.

RocketReader uses the following highly effective reading-proficiency techniques:

For more information, check out How RocketReader Works.

Q. How long does it take to break the "bad reading habits" with RocketReader?

A. We have found that people often revert back to their old "reading habits" during the trial of RocketReader. We have also found that this is primarily because it takes about 20 30-minute sessions using all of the RocketReader exercises to get on top of bad reading habits. This time varies from person to person; some readers may take more sessions. It is best if each RocketReader session is done with at least one day from the last session.

RocketReader is training new skills and eliminating ingrained poor reading habits. You are in learning mode - so as with learning any new skill, it is best to use "interval learning" rather than pack the learning into one or two big sessions.

Q. I don't understand how to use the software. What do the different lessons mean? Where do you start? Where do you progress to?

A. RocketReader exercises are presented in four lesson plans: Quick, Revision, Detailed, and The Works. You should choose a plan depending on how much time you have to practice. For example, the Quick Lesson takes 15 minutes, and the Works takes 60 minutes. Keep in mind that it is always better to have frequent short RocketReader sessions, than a few long sessions.

Once you select a lesson plan, RocketReader starts guiding you through the lesson by using lesson prompts. A prompt will appear at the end of each exercise letting you know that it's time to move on to the next exercise. Speed tests are offered at the end of every RocketReader lesson, so you can literally see how your reading skills have improved.

Using the preset RocketReader lesson plans ensures that you get a complete reading workout every time you use RocketReader. more information>>

A. After you launch RocketReader and enter your username, you will see a window where you can select your lesson plan (Quick, Revision, Detailed, or The Works). Choose a lesson plan depending on the amount of time you have available. We recommend that you practice at least three times a week for 15 minutes - or for longer periods of time when you get a chance. Once you select a lesson plan, RocketReader will guide you through the lesson by using lesson prompts. more information>>

Q. The exercises look great but I don't get how I'm supposed to understand what I'm reading without saying the words in my mind. Can you explain how this works - does it just come automatically after I practice a lot?

A. The key to getting rid of your bad reading habits (including sub-vocalization, where you say the words in your head as you read) is training with RocketReader frequently - preferably every day for 15 to 30 minutes.

It is also vital to perform RocketReader exercises correctly - especially Grouping Training and Speed Training. For example, choosing the right shadow size is important in Grouping Training. Make sure you choose a shadow size that is large enough so you are challenging yourself to read the words behind each shadow with a single glance, but no so large that you can't remember or understand what you read.

The Speed Training exercise can also be used to specifically remove vocalization. You should challenge yourself to read at a speed that is just fast enough for you to read the text, but too fast to say it in your head.

Generally, any vocalization should drop off when you ramp up to speeds beyond 200 words per minute, simply because it is very hard to vocalize at such speeds.

Q. How does one apply the RocketReader techniques from the program to reading books? For example, the Grouping module is extremely helpful, but when you are reading a book you don't have the shadows there to help you practice. So if I am away from my computer and I have a book I want to apply the RocketReader techniques to - how would I do it?

A. The Grouping exercises train you to choose the next chunk of words to read with a single eye fixation. Word chunking is an important reading skill that the fastest readers have mastered. It allows for low effort and high information reading.

The Grouping Training exercise is a like a bike with training wheels. It makes it easier to get established, but after enough practice you'll find that you don't need the visual chunking hints that the shadows provide. Once you are fairly confident with this exercise, you should do more of the "speed" exercises.

Q. Can Flash Training develop photographic memory?

A. The concept of "photographic memory" is a controvertial subject and is regarded by many scientists as a myth. More detail can be read at There is no evidence that suggests that people are able to develop this kind of memory ability. The RocketReader Flash Training exercise helps develop perception and visualization, greatly improving the ability to read larger groups of words from a page resulting in faster and more accurate reading. However, Flash Training is not a dedicated memory training exercise. You can train your memory by making sure you always do comprehension testing after RocketReader speed training exercises. You can also design your own memory tests, and RocketReader will quiz you until you have mastered and learned every fact in the lesson.

Q. My current reading speed is 600 words per minute. Is there any room for improvement in my case? If so, by how much can I expect my reading speed to increase if I use RocketReader?

A. Congratulations - your reading speed of 600 words per minute is excellent and puts you in the league of the very fast readers! One needs to keep in mind that the average reading speed is 230 words per minute. Very few people can read beyond about 800 words per minute without a huge reduction in comprehension. The average person can typically achieve double or even triple reading speeds; e.g. from 230 minutes to 460 or 690 words per minute. In your case, a good strategy would be to work on improving reading comprehension and reading stamina as well as expanding your vocabulary. These skills are improved with RocketReader - remember it's not just about speed!

To start increasing your reading speed, try RocketReader here.

Q. Can RocketReader train me to read 10,000 words per minute?

A. If you mean reading with good comprehension (over 70-80%), the answer is no. Numerous vendors claim that you can speed read at 2000, 5000, or even 10,000 words per minute. At these speeds one might get the gist of the text in a skimming fashion, but not accurate comprehension. Some skim readers are very good at glossing at these speeds and capturing the essence of the text, but still without the comprehension of reading it properly. For the vast majority of people, comprehension starts to deteriorate once they get to 800 words per minute.

Q. Is speed reading the same as photo reading? If not, can RocketReader teach me to photo read?

A. The answer is no. The claims of being able to read - read, not just skim through pages - at speeds of thousands of words per minute simply do not stand up to reality. We are not human photocopiers.

Rather than claiming that you can read tens of thousands words per minute, RocketReader focuses on helping you increase your reading speed AND improve your comprehension. There is not much point in reading faster if you cannot retain the information you read. Research has shown that 800 words is as fast as you can read without your comprehension deteriorating. For most people, reading 800 words per minute already means reading three to four times faster. This is an ambitious yet realistic goal that RocketReader can help you achieve. Why not try the RocketReader software and see for yourself the improvement you can achieve in just a few days (here)

Q. If I learn to speed read with RocketReader, can I still read at my "normal" pace for pleasure?

A. You certainly can. Keep in mind that improvements in reading speed and comprehension will happen with practice. The new techniques you acquire while using RocketReader will help you eliminate poor reading habits like sub-vocalization (saying the words you read in your mind). This means that when you relax and read for pleasure, your reading speed is still likely to be much higher than before you started training with RocketReader.

Q. Can you provide the results of any official study on the effect of RocketReader use on reading speed, comprehension etc.?

A. RocketReader training is part of our worldwide Time Management/Speed Reading seminars that we run for corporate and individual clients. After using RocketReader at these seminars for just one day, participants' average reading speed increased by 68%, and their reading comprehension increased by 41%.

We also get regular feedback from RocketReader users who report impressive gains in both reading speed and comprehension. Check out what our users say on the RocketReader testimonial page.

Q. I need to improve my vocabulary - can RocketReader help?

A. Being introduced to new words is the key to improving your vocabulary. RocketReader exercises, practice readings, and speed tests make use of a vibrant collection of words and phrases. In Basic mode, the vocabulary is suited to children. In the Advanced levels, the vocabulary range is much wider. For example, the Advanced word database has 25,000 different words as compared with the 3,000 words used in the Basic level. You will often come across interesting words that you will want to look up in your dictionary and remember.

RocketReader has a specialized vocabulary product called "RocketReader Vocab" that trains for a powerful SAT-level vocabulary. This is ideal for students preparing for the SAT, or for workers who need to bolster their vocabulary to gain a professional advantage. RocketReader Vocab Page.

RocketReader Flash Training exercise has a spelling mode that requires you to correctly type out the text that was flashed on the screen. This forces you to visualize and reinforce (by typing out) the spelling of all of the words that appeared on the screen. Since RocketReader contains a vast number of phrases and words, you will be challenged to spell words that are not part of your active vocabulary. Before long, you will notice an improvement in your ability to visualize words. This skill is the key to good spelling. more information>>

Q. I want to learn to speed read but I have no time to practice. Help!

A. You can use RocketReader from any web-connected computer with a modern web browser. You can run a Quick lesson whenever you can spare ten minutes!

RocketReader also allows you to combine your speed reading training sessions with surfing or researching the Internet. All you have to do is type or paste the URL of a Web page into the RocketReader address bar, and hit "Go". You'll no longer need to set aside a special time for your speed reading exercises, or feel guilty about taking a little Web-surfing break! To start Web reading with RocketReader, try it here.

Q. Can I learn to speed read using my work documents?

A. Yes. RocketReader allows you to practice speed reading on your own files in the following formats:

Q. Is American English used?

A. All RocketReader readings and comprehension tests can be accessed in both American and British English. Your language settings are automatically detected when you first start RocketReader but you can change them at any time in the Options panel.

Popup messages and key help information is currently provided in US English, French, Italian, Spanish and German.

Our Policies and Charges

Q. Will I be charged for the 10 day trial of RocketReader?

A. The 10 day trial version is US$10 - this is a once-off cost - no subscription agreement or recurring payments are necessary.

Q. What is the price of RocketReader?

A. See the RocketReader subscription page

Q. Is the SAT training module included with RocketReader?

A. YES.  RocketReader includes the SAT training module.  See the section on the SAT Training for a full description.

Q. Is the Advanced training module included with RocketReader?

A. YES. Both the Advanced and Basic versions are part of RocketReader.

Q. Can my family / friends also use my copy of RocketReader?

A. RocketReader Online is a personal web subscription that operate on the basis of one person per subscription.

Q. Do I get technical support when I buy RocketReader?

A. YES. RocketReader comes with premium email technical support. To submit your support inquiry, please use our online support form.

Ordering and Delivery

Q. Can I order RocketReader by mail?

A. Yes. To order by mail, send a check in US dollars to:

4310 W. 190th St.
Suite # 79470
Torrance, CA 90504, USA

For more information about ordering RocketReader, please visit our ordering page.

Reading Tips: ‘…Exercise - critical reading For examples of critical reading, please see our newsletter on critical reading here.…’  read article