Class and Student Reports

The Educational version of RocketReader provides the following reports:
Class reports provide information on each student in a class. A class report shows the average results for a student based on all of the readings and comprehension tests which that particular student has completed. A class report also shows details of student activity on particular days.
Class reports do not display results for the Flash training exercise or, in RocketReader Online, Vocabulary lesson results.
A student Report provides more detailed results about an individual student. A student report:
- provides an overall indication of a student's reading skills, reading level and speed and comprehension level and speed
- shows what readings the student has attempted and how well the student has read and understood each reading
- shows how many characters the student can read in a single eye glance
- shows how well the student has performed in each Flash training session
- in RocketReader Online, shows a student's results in the Vocabulary lesson module.
Class Reports
There are two parts to a class report:
- a Readings Results report,
- a Student Activity report.
Reading Results Report
This part shows the following information for each student within a class:
Measured Reading Level |
The measure of a student's reading ability based on all the readings they have read in the program. |
Quizzes Done |
The number of comprehension tests completed by the student.
Reading Speed |
The average reading speed in words per minute of all reading tests the student has undertaken. |
Percentage Correct |
The percentage of correct answers given in the comprehension tests. A value of 100 means all questions were answered correctly. |
Average Reading Level of Stories |
This value indicates the average grade level of all of the readings attempted by the student. A low value means the student chose simple texts in the reading exercises. A high value indicates the student chose more complex texts.
Seconds Taken per Answer |
The average time in seconds taken by the student to answer a question taking into account all comprehension tests done by the student. |
Hint Text Revealed % |
In percentage terms, how often the student revealed the text to find an answer to a question in a comprehension test taking into account all such tests completed by the student. If the student reveals the original text all of the time, then the value will be 100%. If the student never reveals the text, then the value will be zero.*
* If a question in a comprehension test is too hard the student can reveal the original text and search for the answer in the text. Administrators and teachers can turn the .reveal text. option off, so students can.t search text for an answer when doing comprehension tests.
Student Activity Report
This part shows the following information for each student within a class:
Date |
Date of activity. |
Total Time |
The total time in minutes the student was logged into the program. |
Activity Time |
How many minutes the student was actually using the program. |
Activities Done | The type of activities the student undertook. |
Student Reports
A student report comprises of the following components:
- Reading Progress Report
- All Categories Report
- Flash Training Report
- Vocabulary Training Report (RocketReader Online only)
Reading Progress Report
This report provides an overall indication of a student's reading skills. It shows in bar chart format the reading level and speed and comprehension level and speed of a student on particular days.
All Categories Report
This report shows the results of each reading, comprehension test and timed speed test completed by the student.
Date |
The date when the activity was done. |
Reading | The title of the reading selected by the student.
Type |
The type of activity undertaken by the student i.e. either 'reading', 'timing' or 'comprehension test'.
- reading - a practice reading chosen by the student followed by a comprehension test.
- timing test - tests the student's reading speed and comprehension on a passage of text that the student has not read before. Speed test passages are of uniform difficulty so reading progress can be evaluated by comparing speed and accuracy on different dates.
- comprehension test - multiple choice comprehension questions.
Measured Reading Level |
This indicates how well the student read the text. If they read the test quickly and accurately, the student will get a high score for this value. This level can be higher than 'Reading Grade Level', if they have done very well.*
Story Reading Level |
The difficulty of the text as measured by the RocketReader readability metric. This metric takes into account twelve factors including average sentence size, average word size, number of syllables per word, the type of punctuation, the use of common and uncommon words and others factors affecting overall reading challenge.
Reading Speed |
How quickly the student read the text in words per minute.
Percentage Correct |
The percentage of comprehension questions that the student answered correctly.
Seconds per Question |
The average time taken by the student to answer each comprehension question. A small value, e.g. 4 seconds indicates the student quickly found the answer. A larger value, e.g. 30 seconds, indicates the student thought for a long time before answering the questions.
Text Revealed |
Whether the student revealed the text to help them find the answer to the comprehension questions.
*When a comprehension test is done, the value for this is nil.
Flash Training Report
There are two parts to this report.
Eye Glance Width
This part shows in bar chart format the number of characters that the student could read with a single eye fixation on a particular day.
Flash Training Results
This part shows the results for each Flash Training session completed by a student.
Date |
The date when the student undertook the Flash Training session. |
Number of Characters |
The number of characters flashed in the last flash cycle on the date described. For example, if the last phrase flashed was "nature in all of her glory", then this value will be 26. This is the information that must be read by the student with a single eye fixation. (Values of around 25 are considered optimal for fluent and easy reading). |
Spelling Mode |
If this value is 'Y' then the student had to type each phrase that was flashed in the exercises. If this value is 'N' then the student had to indicate whether they read the phrase correctly by clicking on the 'yes' or 'no' button.*
Time |
This value indicates how many seconds the student spent in the Flash Training session. |
Right Answers |
The number of flash phrases that the student read correctly.
Wrong Answers |
The number of flash phrases that the student read incorrectly.
Accuracy |
The percentage of flash phrases read correctly by the student.
Mode |
Either Advanced or Basic. Basic mode uses simpler words and phrases and Advanced more complex words and phrases. RocketReader will promote the student to Advanced mode, when they have reached the requisite competency level.
*Spelling Mode is default mode in Flash Training in the RocketReader Educational Edition software. The teacher can allow students to select spell it or guess it mode by logging into the teacher control panel and un-checking the toggle "force spelling mode".
Vocabulary Training Report
This report shows how many words the student already knew, how many new words the student mastered and how many words the student is learning.