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proudly servicing US Schools, Colleges, University and Government since 1996

Fix Reading Problems - FAST

Say good riddance to poor reading skills! Quickly improve your reading speed, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension and reading stamina.

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What is Your Reading Speed?

slow fluent fast

    0 - 150 words per minute. Slow or beginning reader. Many people who read slowly do not enjoy reading. Typically they find reading difficult, tiring and they have poor comprehension. RocketReader helps slow readers to build reading speed, fluency, stamina and and confidence. Learn more.
    150 - 230 words per minute. Below average to average often have poor comprehension and will often avoid reading. By training with RocketReader you can double your reading speed and improve your comprehension.
    230 - 250 words per minute. Average readers can achieve excellent reading gains with RocketReader training.
    250-350 words per minute. Above average reading speeds. Good readers can achieve faster speeds (up to around 500 words per minute) training with RocketReader.
    350 - 800 words per minute. Fast to very fast reader. Such readers typically have high educational levels and are professional, avid social readers or have participated in an effective speed reading / reading program. Maintain your reading skills and competitive advantage by using RocketReader.
    Faster than 800 words per minute. Skimming is useful tool for locating relevant sections within a document. Studies show that comprehension drops off sharply at speeds greater than 800 wpm for almost all readers. Be skeptical if a vendor claims that accurate reading is possible over 800 wpm.

Learn to read quickly and accurately online! It's easy! Simply log into your account and start using the powerful RocketReader exercises and methods that have made RocketReader number one online. Access your account at home, school, college or work or at any internet cafe. All you need is a web browser and an internet connection (Broadband or dial up). Easy to use with fast results. No software installation or plug-ins required. Works on Mac, Linux and PC computers. Quickly improve your reading speed, comprehension and reading stamina with this terrific online tutor. You can even train with your own documents. Try it now! Five day no obligation subscription-free trial.

Your program is by far the most effective program I have ever used for increasing speed and comprehension.
E Waishan, Wisconsin USA see all

Master Reading Proficiency

If you are seeking that "competitive edge" that will enable you to advance in your studies or career, RocketReader is for you. Fast and accurate reading is a powerful SUCCESS factor. Valuable because you can achieve better grades and promotions when you read, comprehend and apply more than others.

RocketReader is the pioneer in reading proficiency online and is the only product to use artificial intelligence based reading strategies to train you to read faster with better reading comprehension. Easy to use, powerful and effective!

I have more than tripled my reading speed, all thanks to RocketReader! I love it.
M Smith, New Providence Bahamas see all

Discover RocketReader Speed Reading

RocketReader is the only solution that allows you to practice all the powerful speed training techniques on live web sites, MS Word documents, text files, RTF files and even PDF documents!

Speed Reading - order now

The RocketReader reading program has probably doubled my reading speed. That is still not saying much because I was a very slow reader to start with even though I have a B.A. and M.S. university degree and worked more than 35 years in public education. I think I have always been kind of a "lazy reader" not concentrating or pushing myself to read more quickly. As a result I would get bored, fall asleep or just avoid reading preferring to watch TV. or do something else.

The RocketReader forces me to focus my attention and push myself to read faster. As a result I have been reading more and I don't view reading as such a burden. I feel good that at the rip old age of 63 I have been able to continue to increase my reading skills and continue learning. Thank you very much for your program
R Dermody see all

Award Winning Results

Since 1996 RocketReader has trained thousands of people to become excellent readers. RocketReader has received many awards and excellent customer feedback. RocketReader reading strategies work and will work for you. RocketReader Version 8 is packed with effective reading speed, comprehension and vocabulary training features. You get the reading lesson plans that you need to develop powerful reading skills and to release your reading potential.

Speed Reading - order now

Greater earning power through improved reading
greater earning power - better reading

Reading Software Solutions for

    If you are snowed under at work with piles of letters, reports, files, e-mail and articles, then RocketReader Professional is perfect for you! You can double your effectiveness if you read faster with greater comprehension.
    RocketReader has training exercises to improve reading fluency, comprehension, stamina and confidence for teens. RocketReader has plenty of reading material for teens including SAT module, a massive new 23 chapter story about a group of teens, and stories on topics on interest for teenage boys and girls.

    Cool stories for boys include dirt biking, extreme sports, snowboarding, Nascar, rap, monster trucks, heavy metal, pro surfing, game fishing, dungeons and dragons, baseball cards, football sensation David Beckam and Tony Hawke landing the 900 and much more!

    Each story is graded by reading level and has a comprehension test. Children can choose stories which interest them and match their reading skill level.

    Try it now free, or buy it online!

    Are you a student? If you are bogged down with essays, assignments, projects and huge reading lists then why not try RocketReader. As your reading speed and comprehension increases, you will naturally achieve better grades and results at school.

    If you are looking for an educational reading tutor that is versatile, automatically accommodates the needs of individual students, allows the teacher to monitor student progress, and is fun to use, then RocketReader Educational Editions have all of the above essential features.

    RocketReader Online allows children to train at school and at home over the Web and provides powerful reporting and class management functions as well!

    For a public library, county library or university library, the challenge is to provide high-demand library resources of excellent educational value. You have encyclopedias, newspapers, dictionaries and thousands of books on your bookshelves. You already provide your members with great books, resources and services. Now you can help them to read quickly and effectively too! With the RocketReader Library Edition CD! Get the award-winning digital educational resource to teach people to become better readers - RocketReader!

Whether you are a professional interested in improving your reading strategies, a parent looking for quality guided reading material for your children or a student keen to improve reading comprehension and retention - RocketReader award winning software will quickly improve your reading skills.

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Reading Help for

    • Are you struggling with poor comprehension? Do you find you have to re-read text to understand it? Improve your reading comprehension.
      learn how.
    • Having a bad case of "SAT panic"? While it is absolutely normal to feel nervous preparing for one of the most important tests of your life, there DEFINITELY IS something you can do to be prepared! RocketReader provides a SAT module and improves your reading and comprehension skills to give you a clear advantage completing the SAT on time. learn more
      If you find reading tiring and frustrating, then chances are you have bad reading habits that make reading difficult. You've acquired those bad habits over the years and they will not go away without a remedial reading intervention. learn more

RocketReader Speed Reading delivers:

Your program is one of the most useful things that I have ever found using the internet. RocketReader has easily doubled my reading speed, and tripled my comprehension. It is by far one of the best programs that I have purchased for myself. Thanks.
D Bialek, California USA) see all

Increased Productivity

RocketReader makes you a faster and more accurate reader at work. You can read more reports, emails and journals with better reading comprehension and in much less time than it takes now. This delivers you more FREE time. Less working late and on the weekend! More time to focus on profitable core business activities such as selling, development and customer relations! RocketReader gives you the competitive edge that you can use daily to power ahead at work.

Free Time
Time Spent
before corn

Who can learn to speed read with RocketReader?

RocketReader is ideal for children (older than six), middle and high school students, college and university students, business people, office staff, professionals, recreational readers, executives and CEOs. RocketReader can also be used by fast readers who want to learn new speed reading techniques to read at accelerated rates with excellent reading comprehension.

My daughter has been using RocketReader for several months. She is an eighth grader and her reading went from 150 wpm to about 500. She can only practice from time to time while in school.
R Montello, California USA see all

Unleash your genius with RocketReader

Reading faster, better reading comprehension and vocabulary development will benefit your career. If self improvement is your mission, RocketReader is a must have for you.

Blast your reading skills into orbit and get your career into gear with RocketReader!

Speed Reading - order now

Reading Tips: ‘…The mountain of documents on his desk grew as colleagues stopped by his desk with requests for �urgent� tasks to be completed and, often irate clients rang up, demanding to know the status of their projects.…’  read article